Wednesday 16 July 2014

Staring at the computer for longer duration? Wink Glass will make you wink!

Everyone is addicted to computers in this era. Whether you’re using it for your work, or your personal accounts, playing games to social networking, it is tacitly agreed by everyone that we need to stare into these digital screens for majority of the hours we are awake to keep life going. In particular, gamers and readers use the digital screens with more intensity than anyone else. It is said that staring into screens for such long periods of time, makes our eye lose its reflexive ability to blink.
With the amount of concentration that we put in, the lesser we blink. This can lead to the dry eye syndrome, which basically means you have to face health complications due to the dehydration of your eyes. Not only for gamers and readers, even for those of you who are poor blinkers and who run out of moisture in your eyes, here comes a solution. Wouldn’t you be happy to have your own glass that cares so much for you and keeps you away from dehydration of eyes?
Yes, Wink glass is nothing like an ordinary glass, although it looks like one. If a person wearing the wink glasses doesn’t wink for a maximum of five seconds, the glass becomes opaque forming fog over its surface. All you need to do is, just wink, which removes the fog off the surface and the glass becomes transparent again, ie., the wink is detected by the glass to remove opaqueness. These glasses were invented by a Japanese firm, Masunaga Optical Manufacturing Co. Ltd., that specializes in eye-wear.

The Wink Glasses 2013 is black-framed and light weighted, (surely not lesser than your average spectacles, but it is about 33 grams which is tolerable for the face to hold without much effort),  powered by a small battery which can be replaced, this battery is entranced to power by the press of a small button on the right arm of the glasses. It is said to fog up for 0.2 seconds for every 10 seconds.  The fogging can also be adjusted to 0.1-second intervals from 0.2 seconds.
new Wink Glass
Paying a little more than the cost of these glasses ( USD150), the customers can have the glasses fitted with lens of the foci of their power, in case they are already using glasses or contacts. How convenient!
This is one of the coolest inventions of time, and found to have been receiving tremendous response from the public. If IT companies were super concerned about the impact of computer screens, which are overworking their eyes, on their employers, they’d probably make this eyewear a part of their dress code.

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